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O Mary, Untier of Knots, Mother of fair love and hope unfailing, we turn to you during this time of trial for the Church.

We behold hearts hardened by sin and minds clouded with confusion. We witness the pain of scandal and the erosion of trust. Our hearts ache for the unity and holiness to which Christ calls us.

Blessed Mother, you who with gentle hands unravel the knots in the lives of your children, intercede for us now. Untangle the knots of sin and pride that bind us. Untie the knots of misunderstanding that separate us. Unloose the knots of fear and doubt that paralyze us.

Help us to see the challenges before us as opportunities to grow closer to your Son. Inspire us to work tirelessly for the healing and strengthening of the Church, ever mindful of the promise of Christ: "the gates of hell will not prevail against it".

Through your intercession may the Church emerge from these trials more radiant and united, a beacon of hope for the world.


Artist: Johann Georg Schmidtner

Year: 1700 AD